I do not know, why did you wrote on English, whatever, it is your decision.
It only means that I must write my comment in English too, nothing else.
Non sincereness
Acting like peeking from the asshole
In modern times, those mentioned above are the significant human characteristics. But, my humble opinion, I would call it, Chameleon ism. Simple.... Every one knows who are the Chameleons. And this is basic human characteristic, changing characters, in order to hide themselves in environment. It is hard to see difference between them. Chameleon man, because is art to make fool of others, by my humble opinion. It seems much easier, pretend and lie, and of course live in lie. Or like others says.
I am very happy person, because it is much easier to live in truth. And say the truth, no matter how hard it seems.
Hey, I now know where did I go wrong, and where did I was bad, and where I was not bad. And for your concern I have managed to solve all rebuses, but... Sometimes, I go ahead to windmills.
"Sinister, is the first chapter in the BOOK OF WISDOM"
- Thomas Jefferson -
First, and foremost...
Pisao sam na engleskom, radi vežbe... ničega drugog.
Post ti je nemam reči...
Exercise is good.... a tema je pogodjena, odlično 10. Koleginice evo indexa, po diplomu dodjite za sedam dana.
Vidi se ko brije jezik....
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