03 June 2011


Friends: Just say HI.  

The Serbian friends: I'll make a big hug and a kiss.

 Friends: call your parents "Mr." and Mrs ".

The Serbian friends: call your parents "Uncle"and "Aunt"!

Friends: Not to have never seen you cry.

The Serbian friends: cry with you.

Friends: They eat at your table and leave

The Serbian friends: They spend hours eating, talking, laughing and just making friends.

Friends: borrow your stuff for a few days and your back.

The Serbian friends: keep the loans until they forget things that are yours!

Friends: They know enough about you.

The Serbian friends: Could write a book about you with many details.

Friends: To quit if it needs as many people.

The Serbian friends: Have love the world with you.

Friends: knocking on your door or taking phone when they want to visit.

The Serbian friends: go in and shout 'I'm here! "

Friends: Are for a while ....

The Serbian friends: Are for life!

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