22 November 2013

A mystery....

 Not so long ago, just a half of a century, the most powerful country on the planet has lost her leader in a rather brutal way.

     On this same day, 50 years ago, in Dallas, most popular American president was brutally assassinated, or should I say executed in front of a public! Official version of this says that he was killed by a lone assassin, who have shoot from a sixth floor of a Texas  Book deposit store. But, more than half of Americans does not believe in official version. They believe that behind this event, was a huge conspiracy, but what kind of conspiracy, they are not sure at all. There are as many as 400 different conspiracy theories about the murder of a 35th president. As usual, there are many who defend the so called " Official Version", using a very skillful tool called the "Occam's razor", which says, that if there are many explanations, simplest one is usually the true one.
 But, in this case, this is not a true. Oswald was never prosecuted, he had never been at the trial (he was assassinated by Jack Ruby, local mobster, who have died in prison under a very mysterious circumstances). And , so, there are no possible way to prove a Lone Gunman theory at all, or to find who was, if any behind Oswald's deed, why he did what he did.... for all, for historians, investigators  only thing that left is to guess... and to believe in what the already believed in.
 But there are many thing that have changed for years... Now days, a president with such a behavior, will be impeached immediately, with no lags and delay. You do not believe? In this time of a political correctness? Yeah, .. it is unbelievable, but the hypocrisy of those in US politics is enormous. You can , for instance to put  country in a crisis, to eventually destroy economics, to start a expensive wars, to give up from health care, name it, but you will not get impeached... but if you have some kind of a wrong sexual behavior, or cheat your wife, or something like that, your days in office are numbered. And in case of a impeachment your dignity as a politician, as statesman is ruined.

 But, is there a case for Kennedy's eventual  Impeachment?
 Yes, for many reasons, mentioned above..
 First we all must know, that he was not a saint, not a god, just a man. With weaknesses
 And those hypocrites in Congress will never let to have such a ill president, or such a womanizer, who have even endangered a national security with his affair with one of STAZI agents... But there is a glitch, if they impeach him, his whole family will be ashamed, his whole career will be ruined.. And, so...
The conspirators are decided, let him be a hero.. but let he be gone. What is other way to remove someone from office? In a so called democracy? Coup D' Eta .... He will be killed. They will gave the patsy for a public, but there will not be  any judicial process at all... the real assassins will be hidden forever..  The reason for such a deed, will be hidden too. And, so it was done, just like that... Impeachment with a bullet, no shame for a victim, public glory saved for a mourning family... hands of those guilty for conspiracy, washed away.. and all quiet...
For those who believe in "Official version", this is official version, hidden from American, and world public, and will remain hidden...  because, if there are some of them, some of politicians who are powerful enough , and ready enough to bypass the law, to take a destiny of a whole nation and country in their hands, to proceed with their hypocrisy by all means, then we are all living in a lie.. not in a democracy, but in a lie, and we are not free, we are just pawns, a slaves of a fear, of a greedy corporations and politicians.
 Some have asked, why if all this is true, why no one have spoke in public, are the conspirators still so powerful , that we all must fear them? No one have spoken, because, if truth comes in public, everything will crumble, entire belief in democracy will fall. How can anyone live in a country that is ruled from shadows, that a chief executive can be killed, or impeached with no obvious reason? No one can.... Sadly but truly, USA is no longer a free state, that ceased to exist, on that sunny November The 22nd  1963... 

04 June 2013

P.C - fuck Off

Kakav blesav naslov? Zar ne? PC odjebi!!! Hahahahahahahahaha! Pa ne radi se tu o kompjuteru, pametnjakovići kratke pameti. Nego se radi o Političkoj korektnosti, tj modi koja je kao i sve drugo opsela ovaj ludi svet. A sve to pod maskom lažne borbe protiv fašizma! Heej, pa nema većeg fažizma od uteravanja lažne pristojnosti i uvijanja u nekakve oblande. Tako je sada nekorektno nazvati pravim imenom neke stvari, pojave ili tako nešto. Opasno je postalo, koleginici ili poznanici reći da je lepa, tj da lepo izgleda, jer ako je recimo nadrkana može vas tužiti za seksualni napad. Daleko bilo ako je pogledate malo drugačije, ma najbolje da je i ne gledate, ali i to nije dobro jer će misliti da ste protivnik njene ženskosti.... O tome da je PC, ili da budem realniji jebena Politička Korektnost unela i neke blesave, nemoguće neologizme u sveopšti rečnik o tome ne vredi ni raspravljati, samo neki od primera:

1. Potomak robova, dovedenih na silu nije crnac, nego je Afro-Amerikanac! Heej, pa sta su onda Irci u SAD? Kelto Amerikanci? ...

2. Homoseksualac nije peder? Pa šta je onda? Vanzemaljac? 
Lista bi bila podugačka za ovaj post.
 U kratko, da malo skratim priču, na vrh glave su mi se popeli sa tom korektnošću i odbranom nekih jebenih prava! Kojih prava kada milioni gladuju, a manjina uživa! Kojih jebenih prava, ako nas muškarce odbijaju jer nemamo besne automobile i ne ponašamo se kao metroseksualci, ili nismo stranci, ili šta već fali tim nadrkanim pripadnicama pola bez koga se nemože?  Kojih jebenih  prava, ako se jedno usrano jebanje naziva vođenjem ljubavi!!!! ( Ima razlike, botovi jedni, jer kod jebanja, samo osećate požudu, a kod vođenja ljubavi osećate bliskost sa tom osobom).. a pri tome popaljene kučke, plastificirane po najnovijoj modi i ne osećaju ništa osim želje da vam skupo naplate svoje plastificirane, veštačke barbi pičke! A sve to po modi filmova za nedoraslu Internet generaciju prikrivenih drkadžija! Pa se posle čudimo epidemiji pedofilije! Ma jebalo vas vaše pozivanje na individualnost, a svi se guraju da budu izjednačeni, tj da izgledaju isto, da se puće pred ogledalima, da nose tange, da napucavaju usta kolagenom, sise, dupeta i pičke silikonom! Pa još, ako se okreneš i pogledaš taj proizvod modernog P.C društva, možeš dobiti tužbu za seksualno uznemiravanje!
 I jebao vas Internet, i mobilni telefoni, i sve što ide uz to. Isključite više ekrane, uključite mozak, i prestanite više da se ponašate kao debili! Ahh, da i jebalo vas kalemljenje tradicionalnih vrednosti na P.C eru i obratno! Jebeno ne ide to zajedno... Ne ide pozivanje na veru, tradiciju i jebavanje po Internetu! I jebala vas vaša opravdavanja! Za sva sranja u životu sami snosimo svoju krivicu! Ahh, da, poruka pripadnicama Internet  P.C populacije žena, ako ih ženama smem nazvati:" Budite malo hrabrije, pa ako već idete na socijalne mreže da tražite nekog ko će vas mentalno, ili kako već jebavati, ili vi njega jebavati.. kako god , ne KRIJTE SE iza lažnih imena, i umetničkih fotografija, lažne skromnosti i emotivnosti!" lakše će te naći istomišljenike!

 do skorog pisanja, puno bitova i bajtova u vaše prazne tikve želim Vam!