07 March 2011

Safete, e Safete..... daleko si ti od orlića, ti si više ćuran

Oni imaju 20%, a ove godine još 51%...... 
Places of operations, subsidiaries & affiliates

Deutsche Telekom Headquarters: Bonn

Selected international subsidiaries and affiliates: EuropeCountry Subsidiaries and affiliates Stake held by Deutsche Telekom (directly/ indirectly)
Albania AMC (Albanian Mobile Communications Sh.a) 95.00% of shares held by Cosmote
Austria Software Daten Service Gesellschaft m.b.H. 100.00%
T-Mobile Austria GmbH 100.00%

Deutsche Telekom

Value Added Services Austria GmbH 100.00%
T-Systems Austria GesmbH 100.00%
Belgium T-Systems Belgium NV 100.00%
Bulgaria Globul (Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD) 100.00% of shares held by Cosmote
Novatel EOOD 100.00% of shares held by Magyar Telekom
Croatia Hrvatski Telekom
(Hrvatski Telekom d.d.) 51.00%
T-Mobile Croatia (T-Mobile Hrvatska d.o.o.) 100.00% of shares held by T-Hrvatski Telekom
Combis 100.00%
Czech Republic T-Mobile Czech Republic, a.s. 60.77%
T-Systems Czech Republic, a.s. 100.00%
Denmark T-Systems Nordic TC Services A/S 100.00%
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Makedonski Telekom AD 51.00% of shares held by Magyar Telekom
T-Mobile Macedonia 100.00% of shares held by Makedonski Telekom
France T-Systems France SAS 100.00%
Greece OTE (Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A.) 30.00% plus one share
Cosmote (Cosmote Mobile Telecommunications S.A.) 100.00% of shares held by OTE
Hungary Magyar Telekom NyRt. 59.21%
IQSYS Zrt. (IQSYS Computing Limited by Shares) 100.00% of shares held by Magyar Telekom
Italy T-Systems Italia S.p.A. 100.00%
Luxembourg T-Systems Luxembourg S.A. 100.00%
Montenegro Telekom Montenegro
(Crnogorski Telekom a.d.) 76.53% of shares held by Magyar Telekom
T-Mobile Montenegro
(T-Mobile Crna Gora d.o.o.) 100.00% of shares held by Telekom Montenegro
Netherlands T-Mobile Netherlands B.V. 100.00%
T-Systems Nederland B.V. 100.00%
Poland PTC Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp.z o.o. 97.00%
T-Systems Polska Sp.z o.o. 100.00%
Romania Combridge S.R.L. 100.00% of shares held by Magyar Telekom
Cosmote Romania (S.C. Cosmote Romanian Mobile Telecommunications S.A.) 86.20% of shares held by OTE
Romtelecom S.A. 54.00% of shares held by OTE
Russia T-Systems CIS 100.00%
Serbia Telecom Srbija 20.00% of shares held by OTE
Slovakia Slovak Telekom, a.s. 51.00%
T-Systems Slovakia s.r.o. 100.00%
Spain T-Systems ITC Iberia, S.A. 100.00%
Switzerland T-Systems Schweiz AG 100.00%
Ukraine Novatel Ukraine LLC. 99.90% of shares held by Magyar Telekom
United Kingdom T-Systems Limited 100.00%

PS. SAFET, TJ VLAJKO, ODE NA BIRO...... ccccccccc jer kod Njemaca, nema zajebancije, samo arbeit, arbeit, arbeit und schluss 

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