14 December 2010

To be a great pretender......

    In whole of our lives, some of members of our human species have developed some kind of need or urge to pretend. Become like a chameleon, to be somebody else. A totally different from what they really are.... This is not just a case in appearance changing, no.... if so, that would be just a minor change, which could be taken lightly. 
  No, this is a change of complete personality..... They become totally different.  

    Reasons are often someone else, some of as they say: „important“. But this someone is not  really important at all. 
    The only important reason is: Those people, who are pretending to be someone else, are not often, not usually, but really not satisfied with their lives, with their position in life.... they think that they’re meant for greater, bigger, more beautiful lives, than theirs.  They think, they suppose that, they must have a satisfaction for their past, or everything what they do.  For instance, a past, so called bad and dull life, sexual unsattisfaction, a lack of material goods (which also can be taken lightly, because only minority of people have enough money..), often they are not satisfied with music, movies, anything that comes along.... a people for instance, others are often dull and stupid.... unlike their "idols", which are cool, nice, and so on.

   Always something else is bigger, better, more suptile, more .... anything can be put in here, because enourmous is the gap that has to be filled up!

   In order to be someone else, they dont even bother with thing that they are hurting others...  their real friends, no... they only think about themselfs, their frustrations.... which lays not in real things, but in their blindness. 
  They are not seeing or they are not aware that real happines, or just a cure for their problems are near them, no. 
  They  just seek inspiration in other cultures, other countries... even in virtual, electric world. In world of  total illusion. Because, in past such a chameleonic people, have to give more strenght, more work to pretend, now not. The explosion of Internet and social networks, gave them opportunity to, much easier be somebody else.

   Never sattisfied, always in first state of grandour mania, they put themself in a position of a hidden judge, perfectionist who really not such. They are not seeing their mistakes, just mistakes of others, but not all others. No, there others and "others"  „Important“ones, ones that have master illusion to them, have no mistakes at all... they are „perfect“. They are idols, a person to follow…. Leaders, with good taste for music, movies and so on.

    Their “idols” are “kind”, “loving”, “emotional” persons. Unlike others, their idols, their “mirror” images are good, because they “satisfied” them, gave them what they need,(what they think they need, not real thing), a “care” or something else. Nobody else cares, just their “idols”, no one knows their needs, just “idols”

  Furthermore they develop a great deal of selfishness, like their „idols“has.

 And, when their “idols” - “mirror” images dissapear, without any reason.... dissaster strikes !

After this dissaster, they are still in great need for The “drug”- “idols” had gave them.

 Finally, a pretender looses its real person, becomes not other, but empty shell in pursuit for something that is not real, that never has been real at all.

  I feel sorry for them…. Really sorry. 

1 comment:

The Seeker said...

Dear colleague, it seems that you have gave the right diagnosis.
But, I expect the prognosis, and a cure, some medicaments or shock therapy... like a hummer in the head or so.